Bitcoin ‘Peace’ Defats ’Fiat’ War

There are many Layers of meaning in this gem artwork.

Fiat funded war is shown with the barbed wire ‘crown of thorns’. The wire was recovered from site of the ‘battle of the Somme’ from the first World war.

This cradles a “dinosaur egg” in Plicated White Agate that is millions of years old. I have placed a Nickel Iron Meteorite inside the egg. I carefully selected a shape that looks like a baby chick.

My “Pentre Ifan” artwork explores the idea that Bitcoin was a gift from an extra terrestrial alien. Nickel was also used to plate bullets and bombs to strengthen them. The destructive power of arms increased after this use. Nickel is mostly found as meteroites as it is so reactive on Earth.

My artwork sits on a Septarian nodule. Formed millions of years ago when Calcite and Quartz filled a clay nodule. This later turned to stone. I sliced this and polished to make the base.

Blockheight: 850000