Bitcoin Gem Artworks and Jewelry
Inspired by “Faberge”. Hand-Made by Gareth. A Gemstone Carver, Jewelry Designer, & Bitcoiner.
Inspired by the movie “V for Vendetta”. The Guy Fawkes mask was worn by our hero, who wanted to blow up the Houses of Parliament as the UK was under a totalitarian regime. I carved the mask on an Hexagonal Rock Crystal. The technique is a ‘Reverse Intaglio’. I carve on the back of the gemstone, but you look at the portrait from the front. This gives some great optical illusions as you look at the Quartz.
A Brass V for Victory stand holds the gem carving. Hand engraved with lines from the movie: “Would you dance…with me?”, “ Now, On the eve of Your revolution?”.
An Octagonal Citrine Gem sits within the arms of the “V” and is engraved with the Bitcoin symbol as a tribute to Satoshi Nakamoto.
Lapis Lazuli represented eternity in Ancient Egypt. I engraved with the V for Vendetta Logo, filled with Gold leaf. I use it as a platform and Altar. A black Petrified Silica Wood base, echoes the dark symbolism of the movie. This artwork is best displayed on a turntable, as the play of light, across the carved gemstones, creates a special kind of magic.
Rai Stones – The first Bitcoin ?
Rai Stones from the Island of Yap are “Money”. Stores of value, moved from tribe to tribe after conquest or marriage. Similar to Bitcoin in may ways
“Fiat is a Melting Ice Cube” – Gem Sculpture
“Fiat Value” Melting into Bitcoin. Major currency symbols on the four sides of the Quartz Ice Cube. Hyper-inflated currencies have lost all of their value, and are captured by the Quartz Iceberg.
The Matching Jewel is made from Fire Opal, a Quartz Ice Cube, on Lapis Lazuli, with a Diamond Cube necklace. Dollar value melts into Bitcoin, turn over to ‘reveal’ this reborn, through a White Hole as a Bitcoin Planet.
Melting Ice Cube of Fiat, on the Quartz Iceberg rests on Three Quartz Spheres
Natalie Brunell wearing my “Melting Ice” Necklace at Bitcoin Atlantis, Madeira
Inspiration for this Artwork +
Hyper-inflated currencies: German Mark, Zimbabwe Dollar, Argentinian Peso, Venezula Bolivar, Lebanese Pound, melt onto the Bitcoin Iceberg. The Quartz Bitcoin ‘iceberg’ absorbs all of the melting ‘fiat’ value.
Oregon Fire Opal shows Inflation. Three Quartz sphere feet, are spaced in a ratio to produce a triangle with a 6.15 hypotenuse. The iceberg has 9 sides. The numbers 3,6,9 are a design basis for this piece. The iceberg is placed at 21 degrees to the vertical.
The matching necklace jewel also has a Fire Opal ‘inflation’ flame, and a Quartz melting ice cube, with a ‘$” symbol on Lapis Lazuli. The Gold disc with Bitcoin takes this value.
Turn over the jewel and you see a hand-engraved wormhole. The Bitcoin value creates a new planet with Bitcoin at its core. Made from Moss Agate backed with Gold foil. There is an Orange and White Diamond crystal necklace, with a Silver Infinity clasp.