Bitcoin Gemstones, Minerals & Elements
The design, structure, network, geometry, math, and complexity of Bitcoin, are reflected in some of the most precious and rare gems and minerals.
The design, structure, network, geometry, math, and complexity of Bitcoin, are reflected in some of the most precious and rare gems and minerals.
‘Mercedes-Star’ Crystal Gem – $4,500 USD
Superb ‘Mercedes-Star’ Crystal – $90,000 USD
‘Mercedes-Star’ Liddicoatite Slice – $5,000 USD
Liddicoatite has color zones following the crystal symmetry creating the Mercedes Star. Extremely rare and precious.
Tourmaline – Pink Heart Crystal
Pink Tourmaline with Zoned Center
Pink Tourmaline with Zoned Center
The ‘Laser Eyes’ Gemstone. The crystal slice has a pink center and a green ‘rind’.
Quartz turns Electricity into Time via the ‘Piezo-Electric’ Effect. Bitcoin turns power into a block every 10 minutes.
Citrine Quartz Trapezoid Gem
Carved ‘Rock Crystal’ Clear Quartz
Amethyst Quartz Carved Frog
Atoms Arranged with Bitcoin’s Perfection. Precious Opal and Diamond
Mexican Fire Opal
Nano Blocks create Opal’s ‘Play of Color’
Orange Fire Opal Gem
Precious Opal is made of equally sized spheres arranged as blocks. This cerates the ‘play of color’. If blocks are a mixture of sizes, (like a Spammed Blockchain), the stone is valueless.
Diamond Crystal Cubes
Natural Diamond Crystals
Diamond Octahedral
The hardest gem, perfect atomic lattice, the cubic structure, mirrors the Blockchain. By request, priced individually.
Lightning in Rutilated Quartz, Nodes in Garnet Crystals, The Mempool with Rainbow Lattice Stone.
Golden Needles of Rutile in Quartz
Solid Bangle of Golden Rutilated Quartz – $11,000 USD
Rare ‘6-ray’ Star formation of Rutile Needles
The Lightning network in a gem crystal. Interconnected Golden needles of Rutile in Quartz.
Garnet crystals on White Matrix show Bitcoin Nodes around the world.
Spessartine Red-Orange Garnet Nodes
Demantoid Green Garnet on Matrix
Orange Hessonite Garnet Crystals
Eclipsite and Rainbow Lattice Sunstone. The Mempool, transactions, in a gem. Only found in Australia.
Very Rare ‘Eclipsite’ Lattice Gem
Visualization of the Mempool
Rainbow Lattice Gemstone from Australia
Go down the rabbit hole with the structure of Garnet. Cubic crystal symmetry, and a very varied chemical composition, for this mineral family. Wide range of color makes great gems. January Birthstone, marks the first Bitcoin transaction in 2009.
Spessartite Garnet Crystal
Demantoid Garnet with Horsetail Inclusion – $50,000
Orange Garnet Crystal Gold Ring – $11,000
Dragon Garnet Color Change Gem – Orange
Dragon Garnet Fluoresence Light – Red
Orange Malaya Garnet Diamond & Gold Ring
Lapis Lazuli depicted Eternity to Ancient Egypt. Rare Minerals can represent Bitcoin. Black Obsidian Volcanic Glass.
Black Obsidian Volcanic Glass with White Flower Inclusions
Lapis Lazuli Gemstone
Birth of Bitcoin Crystal
The perfect platform for my gem sculptures. Opal, Quartz, and Agate convert trees into stone over millions of years.
Oregon Black Ash, 21 Million Years
Arizona Red, 225 million Years
Blue Forest, 50 million Years