Lapis Lazuli – Prized by Ancient Egypt
Lapis was the most highly prized gemstone to the Ancient Egyptians, the deep celestial blue symbolized royalty, honor, the gods, and power. Lapis lazuli represents a universal symbol of truth. Lapis lazuli was valuable to the ancient Egyptians as an image of the heavens. Its dark-blue coloration was the indigo of the night sky while the white-gold flecks of pyrite represented the imperishable stars.
The beautiful, blue stone called Lapis Lazuli has been used in jewelry since ancient times. Lapis was a favorite of the Ancient Egyptians. It was inlaid into the Tutenkamun death mask, his sarcophagus, and other ancient jewels.
Lapis is named after the Persian word ‘Lazhward’ for blue. The deep ultramarine blue color of the finest Lapis is highly prized and owes its color to the mineral Lazurite. This is sometimes found as a single crystal as in this example here.
Lapis forms as a result of metamorphic action on limestone through contact with molten granite which creates crystalline marble and new minerals including Lapis.
The intensity and saturation of the finest Lapis come from the amount of Lazurite in the rock and from the quantity and position of Sulphur radical anons in the crystal lattice. This varies with location and even within a single rock.
Lapis Lazuli that is perfectly saturated with the most intense blue color is very rare and expensive.
The minerals that together makeup Lapis Lazuli are Lazurite, Hauynite, Noselite, Sodalite, Calcite, Diopside, and Iron Pyrites. The golden color of Iron Pyrites accents the deep blue to great effect. The highest quality Lapis Lazuli has a greater concentration of Lazurite and less Calcite.
The intensity and saturation of the finest Lapis come from the amount of Lazurite in the rock and from the quantity and position of Sulphur radical anons in the crystal lattice. This varies with location and even within a single rock. Lapis Lazuli is perfectly saturated with the most intense blue color is very rare and expensive.
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